Frustrating situation and a glimmer of hope
I feel bad writing about this, but for whatever reason, this is really bothering me! More than anything, I just need to get it out and get over it. I have a friend who claims she had a miscarriage in Feb. At first I felt really bad for her, but as time has gone on, I realized that firstly, she didn't have a miscarriage but is just super uninformed about her own body and secondly it is driving me crazy how she is still milking it. Let me explain. She told me that she doesn't have regular periods (which I thought was odd since she has had 3 kids in 3 years). When she stopped nursing her youngest child in June, she bled and it was really heavy. She told me she had a miscarriage then because there was no way her normal bleeding is that heavy. Of course it could be, but if you have your first period in over a year after giving birth, chances are, it's going to be different than before. So what gets me is Feb. She told me she was pregnant. I asked her when she tested, and she sai...