I posted a pic so you can see who i am....After Jeremy and I miscarried in January we were very hopeful that we would get pregnant again soon and whatever the problem was that it was gone. We said if we were not pregnant in 6 months then we would go back to the fertility doctor and be proactive about getting pregnant. Well it has been 6 months so I made an appointment and was excited to move forward with this. I got back a little bit a go feeling disappointed. I was thinking chlomid would be next but he says because I am ovulating each month and have a regular cycle that he is not going to put me on it. He filled out papers to do an IUI where they take Jeremys sperm and put it in me at the hospital. He said to try that for 3 rounds then IVF after that. Do any of you know how much IUI costs?? Has anyone had luck doing this in the past??. I guess all we can do is be patient and save save save & pray pray pray. We need either babies or money to grow on trees:) I just wish I knew what I needed to do or learn. I just feel so many feelings of inadequacy and helplessness not knowing the next step to take...
Hang in there! Hopefully it will work out for you very, very soon!
I have regular cycles where I ovulate each mos too, and my Dr still prescribed Clomid for me. She said you can ovulate immature eggs... Just something to think about.
I don't understand why he would want to do an unmedicated IUI. That really gives you no higher chance than a natural conception, unless you have some problems with your husband's sperm. Has your hubby had a semen analysis done??
I would ask for some drugs in conjunction with the IUI. More bang for your buck.