I'm losing another baby

Looks like I'm having another chemical pregnancy.

This was my second round of Femara and IUI. I got a negative at 8 days past IUI, so I knew the trigger shot was out of my system. Then I started to get positives...at first I thought that maybe the trigger shot was resurging. My RE said that he doubted that. I continued to test and still got positives. By now it was far too long for the trigger to still be in my system.

Now the tests are getting lighter and my blood test yesterday showed an HCG level of 11. My progesterone was low as well. My RE says that I will lose this baby in the coming days.

I know that they're "only" chemical pregnancies, but they're still babies to me. They're still a hope that I am losing. This is my sixth such loss over the years. When will I stop having these?


Rj and Emily said…
My heart breaks for you.
Queen Mother said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rj and Emily said…
I dont think either of us were using sarcasm
Dirk and Trish said…
I didn't read the deleted comment, but I really am sorry. It's one of those things, I really don't know what to say b/c I can't make it better, but wanted to say something, and that's the sincerest thing I can think of.
Queen Mother said…
I'm sorry. I'm a bit emotional. I took the first comment to be sarcastic because I guess I just feel bad complaining because I do have 3 living children. I feel like people are looking at me and thinking "Oh, be quiet" all of the time. I guess my paranoia takes root.....
Rj and Emily said…
In no way do we look at you and your situation and think "oh be quiet"

Miscariages(or chemical pregnancies, ect) are heartbreaking no matter how many children you have.

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