Emily's Intro
Hello everyone, my name is Emily. Hope is my sister-in-law and invited me to join. Rj and I have been married for 8, almost 9, months. We are originally from MI but since Rj is in the army we now live in Fort Polk, LA. Rj and I both decided that we would try for kids right away and we want to have as many as possible (Rj would like 12..Im more in the 8 or under party). We tried and got nothing while 6+ people got pregnant (3 of which called to tell us on the day we got negative tests). Last month we went to the doctor for something completely unrelated and the doctor (who im not even sure opened my file and looked at it) told me i most likely have PCOS and that my eggs are not developing fully when they are released, and the put me on the no carb diet. Im not sure i beleive this guy because he didnt look at my file while we were in his presence and did nothing about the problem of why we were really there, he just seemed to be on a no carb diet frenzy. We have to wait at least another 3 months to have any tests done if we dont mention Rjs deployement, which is very tempting, or another 7 if we do tell them about it.
People always tell me "it will happen when your ready" or "if you stress about it then it wont happen" ect ect. The worst part is watching people who dont want kids get pregant and then dont take care of them, which sadly we see often here on the military base. I think its harder here opposed to if we were in Michigan because everyone whose married has children so making friends is difficult because no one wants friends w/o kids for their kids to play with. Also goingt to church and having EVERY female ask us if we have kids and why we havent started yet just makes me ANGRY. I must say about this whole thing i am ANGRY and no one on my side of the family undertsnad and only Hope has offered a shoulder to cry on and (no offense to Hope) but its not the same as having your mom or your sister understand. Most people just think Im being crazy and its hard to call the ONLY person i know who would understand for fear she would think Im crazy too because she has been through much more than me.
Minor venting, sorry.
People always tell me "it will happen when your ready" or "if you stress about it then it wont happen" ect ect. The worst part is watching people who dont want kids get pregant and then dont take care of them, which sadly we see often here on the military base. I think its harder here opposed to if we were in Michigan because everyone whose married has children so making friends is difficult because no one wants friends w/o kids for their kids to play with. Also goingt to church and having EVERY female ask us if we have kids and why we havent started yet just makes me ANGRY. I must say about this whole thing i am ANGRY and no one on my side of the family undertsnad and only Hope has offered a shoulder to cry on and (no offense to Hope) but its not the same as having your mom or your sister understand. Most people just think Im being crazy and its hard to call the ONLY person i know who would understand for fear she would think Im crazy too because she has been through much more than me.
Minor venting, sorry.
It's got to be difficult with RJ's deployments - months of not trying. That's how I felt with Kurt going to Rome for the summer at least.
PS- you should try and look into the acupuncturist while in MI this summer! I'm curious and will go along with you if you want some company. Good Luck and I'm here for ya'
I echo Hope about the acupuncturist! The one I went to in MI is AMAZING! If you want more info (#, rates, etc) let me know.
It might not be appropriate in this context, but I just really want to say thank you for all of the sacrifices you and your husband make on behalf of this country. I am so grateful for what you go through with such selflessness. Know that we pray for you every day. Thanks.
Jen L or Hope, if you have any other info on the acupuncturist please share! It seems to be a decent thing to try around here.
Melisa-ANYWHERE ANYTIME is an appropriate time...except at someone else's wedding(really! some couple tried to give us money while we were attending someones wedding...we didnt take it but THAT was inaprpriate).