It's funny...

It's funny how so many things happen while my husband is traveling- Monday, my 15 month old fell out our house window (a 5 ft drop), today my daughter had a field trip that turned into a daddy/child outing... of course, she didn't have a dad here to go with her. Today I also had a cardiologist appointment to go over the results of all the testing I've had in the past 3 months. But the most frustrating thing is-

I'm actually by-the-book fertile. Something that doesn't happen very often.

He doesn't come home until Friday afternoon. There may be a small chance, but not likely. We started acupuncture back in March to try to get a head start on all of this. This current cycle is an identical twin to the cycle I got pregnant with my son.

It's hard for me not to be angry- why, Heavenly Father, did this happen the one week Michael is gone?! But I realized, He knows exactly what is going on, and He knows Michael is gone. It's not just an ill-timed coincidence. I'm just praying that since it happened once, it will happen again... this time when we can actually do something about it!


Hope said…
oh-my I hope your son is okay! Good Luck on everything.
Dirk and Trish said…
:( That's a lot to deal with, especially when your other half isn't there. Hope everyone is alright!

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