First Charted Cycle
I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my 1st charted cycle. I found a nifty website called where you enter your data and it makes your graph for you. I think it does a great job covering all the bases of info. I have a paper chart too but I figured this would be good just in case something happened to the paper charts.
You may have to click the image to make it bigger to see better. I used printscreen so you can see some of my browser. My cycle actually stops on the 25th of May but i was on a suprise vacation and didnt chart from the 19th on. I dont have a tempt spike and where the OPK says i should have ovulated. I checked out TCOYF to review it while I was charting and found nothing like this in there...Anything thoughts/comments would be MUCH apperciated.

You may have to click the image to make it bigger to see better. I used printscreen so you can see some of my browser. My cycle actually stops on the 25th of May but i was on a suprise vacation and didnt chart from the 19th on. I dont have a tempt spike and where the OPK says i should have ovulated. I checked out TCOYF to review it while I was charting and found nothing like this in there...Anything thoughts/comments would be MUCH apperciated.

How are you temping..vaginally or orally? Are you taking your temp before you do ANYTHING else in the morning (including getting out of bed.) The reason I ask is because your temps are all over the place. That could be from variables with your temp (i.e., you temp orally and you slept with your mouth open) or you could be anovulatory.
Getting a positive OPK does not mean that you will ovulate. You can get false LH surges and then not ovulate..happens all of the time. Especially in women with PCOS.
If you disregard your prior temps, it looks like there *could* have been an ovulatory temp drop on day 18 and you could have ovulated that day. Temps will often drop on the day of ovulation because of a sharp spike in estradiol that occurs immediately before ovulation.
It's hard to say though, with your temps so unstable. Is there any way you can ask your doctor for a progesterone draw next cycle? You count 7 days from your + OPK and then go in on that day for a draw. That will tell you with a certainty if you ovulated or not.
Good luck!!
Im doubtful they will give me a progesterone draw yet. We are going in to the doctors in July/Aug so hopefully he will suggest that when he sees the charts