Sister Beck's talk

I just spent an A-MAZ-ING few days in Utah at BYU's Women's Conference.

Sister Julie B. Beck spoke and she related a story that I found really interesting. It doesn't necessarily relate to our situations, but still, a nice recognition of the pain of infertility.

Sister Beck was really close to her laurel advisor (Cleo something..) and she visited her when she was in the hospital and in her 80's. Cleo was unable to have children and after 10 years I believe she either adopted or pursued something that allowed her to have kids (women's broadcast will be rebroadcast May 14-15 on BYU TV (which is on-line) in case you would like to get the real story). Cleo lost a child when that child was young, and I believe over half of her kids preceded her in death along with her husband. Sister Beck said to her "Have you had a good life?" to which Cleo responded, "Yes, I have had a good life." She then paused and added, "Except for those 10 years we were trying to have children." Sister Beck said she was expecting her to name losing her husband or her young child, or any of her other children, but with all of her trials, the one that brought the most pain was her inability to have kids. Most of us on here already have a child, but I really felt I could relate to that story and feel the love Sister Beck was extending to those without children and/or experiencing heartache while trying to fulfill the Lord's commandments.

Even aside from that story, her talk was AMAZING! At one point she raised her voice and called us to "Fight! FIGHT!" against pornography and the evils of the devil. We can no longer be innocent bystanders allow our husbands and children to be taken in the devil's snare. She is one amazing woman!


Rj and Emily said…
Wow, I can and cant imagine being on my deathbed and knowing this was the worst time in my life.

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