Questions Questions

Im currently reading The Conception Chronicle, with the Chinese Wellness book and a few other in line after this one. If the people at the library didnt know I had a problem before they most definately do now! I have 5 books checked out currently..But on to the point...

As I was reading they give a general guideline which they call the "3 Strikes and You're Out". It states that there will be 3 courses of action taken #1. Fertility Drugs (they mainly talk about Clomid) #2. Injections/IUI #3. IVF and if none work then you're out(and no one wants to be out!!)

My question: Do all these things have to be done consecutively? Like #1, if that doesnt work, right away goto #2, ect? I ask because there is a deployment planned for my husband next summer-ish(Hope, ex-na on the family-a, we arent sharing that tid bit yet) and if we dont get pregnant naturally and move onto #1 and we dont get pregnant, he will then be gone. Will we have to start over or pick up where we left off? The thought of starting over is killing me.

Question 2: Can a doctor refuse to treat me for whatever is going on in there because Im so young? The last time I went to the doctor we were basically laughed out of the room and told we were stupid for wanting kids so young! Needless to say, we wont be going to him again.


Hope said…
I'm not sure on the process. But I would find a different doctor. If you're having problems conceiving young... it's not going to change as you get older.

Don't worry I won't tell anyone about RJ's deployment, that's not my place to inform family about.

I would work on getting fertility drugs now though. Also, you should see if your insurance covers RJ's sperm being tested. It's not necessarily you. Seeing how I have issues, I wouldn't be surprised if RJ was having issues as well.

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