Getting sick of it
Has/is anyone else gone through an apathetic stage? I wish I could say I just have a lot of faith that the Lord is in control, but honestly, I'm starting to not care anymore. I mean on one hand, it's wonderful. The crying has stopped, the constant stress is gone. But on the other hand, I feel really guilty. This last cycle I just haven't cared to chart anymore. I used to pour over my charts, filling in lots of detail, making sure I took my temperature everyday without any disturbance, but now... well, I haven't filled in my chart for almost 2 weeks, I misplaced my thermometer while on vacation and didn't bother to look through my bag to find it. When I got home I didn't even care to unpack it until last night.
Perhaps it is healthy this way... I am no longer allowing it to define my life. But sometimes I wonder if I have allowed myself to be depressed or go into despair and so my emotions are shutting down. I feel like a big contradiction.
Perhaps it is healthy this way... I am no longer allowing it to define my life. But sometimes I wonder if I have allowed myself to be depressed or go into despair and so my emotions are shutting down. I feel like a big contradiction.
I think the apathy is healthy, too -- it means you're not over-focused on that one area of your life. And sometimes, I think that apathy can heal the body as well as the mind. In retrospect, the stress that I was under for YEARS at my old job probably had a major impact on my fertility -- when I finally decided that I could take the job or leave it, but my happiness and well-being mattered at least as much as my "success" (if not more than), things finally seemed to work out in the pregnancy arena. I've seen a similar phenomenon in some members of my extended family who couldn't conceive for years and years, and then after they adopted, BAM! Here comes baby. Letting the stress part go is healthy, for sure.
It's okay to take a break from charting. It's okay to not think about pregnancy all the time. It doesn't mean that it's unimportant to you -- just that you need a break.