
What are everyone's thoughts on "fertility" drugs? Have you taken them? Did you have success? Side effects? OR if you haven't tried them yet, will you consider using drugs? How long will you wait before it becomes an option?

I'm half tempted to call up my doctor tomorrow and say "Give me the drugs!" I've always been an anti drug person. I'll definitely take them if I have to, but if I can avoid it, then I will (including pain killers). So I'm a bit surprised I'm to this point. I know clomid can have a lot of side effects, and increases the risk of multiples, but I'm getting sick of sitting on my hands. I think my plan is to try one more month of acupuncture and then try some drugs.

Today I went to a ward picnic, and a friend of mine came over, and we were chatting and she mentioned that she is 3 1/2 months pregnant. She has a 3 year old and a 6 month old and is already pregnant again. She was going on how this pregnancy was a surprise and wasn't planned, etc. etc. etc., and oh, how I just wanted to let her know how lucky and blessed she is!!!


Queen Mother said…
There's always gotta be that 1 super fertile woman in the ward!! There's a woman in my ward who is having her 6th in the next few months, and her oldest is only 9. You do the math! I can't believe someone can pop them out like that. I'm very jealous. LOL

As far as how long to wait, with my first round of infertility (I'm on my third round right now) I didn't start any drugs or treatments until 12 months. That's pretty much the standard. Now, because I have "proven infertility", they (the RE..fertility specialist) jumps me in right away.

Clomid, at least according to my fertility specialist, isn't classified as a fertility drug. They call it an "agent." Not sure if knowing the exact classification will make you feel better about it, LOL. But honestly, I've taken Clomid so many times, and it is NOT a big deal. Just a pill you take for 5 days. There's no real danger of overstimming like with injectable drugs, so monitoring is minimal. It's an anti-estrogen, so it works by tricking your body into thinking there's no estrogen..your body will overcompensate by creating a lot of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and therefore growing a stronger, healthier egg for ovulation. Sometimes you can get 2 eggs with Clomid, but the chances of multiples on Clomid is not much higher than a natural ovulation. The bad thing about Clomid is that it thins your uterine lining terribly, especially if you take it over consecutive cycles..so even if you grow a nice juicy follicle to ovulate; if your lining is too thin then it will be a bust.

Also, they call Clomid "Clo-Mood." they don't call it that for nothing. I turn into a complete psycho on Clomid. It makes me irritable, cranky, emotional, and just generally WEIRD.

Real fertility drugs are going to be the injectable drugs like Gonal-F, Follistim, Bravelle. I've used these too. I like these. Yes it's a pain to have to inject yourself in the stomach every day and they are very expensive (most insurances won't cover them, but most do cover Clomid) but they don't have the hideous side effects that Clomid does. These are, however, the drugs that give you multiples. You have to monitored very carefully while on injectables with daily bloodwork and ultrasounds to make sure you are not overstimming (I had a cycle once where I grew 10 eggs..yeah it had to be cancelled. LOL) They don't thin out your lining.

I've only ever gotten miscarriages on Clomid. I got my beautiful second son on injectables (Bravelle.)

I hope this helps - let me know if you need any more information!
Mamapierce said…
I was emotional on clomid some, but not too much. Gonal-f injections? Hello mood swings! Good luck deciding what is right for you. :o)
Dirk and Trish said…
I'm with you on not taking drugs if possible. We've waited long enough (20 mos this time) that if the doc offered I would definitely head home to research. Part of why we're considering pursuing fertility drugs/procedures is because we have insurance that covers more than many people. My hubby made a good point that we should do that over pursuing adoption because we have the option that some people don't. Since we have 1 bio child, we know I can get pg, so our personal choice would be to "help" my body. My big hesitation is the side effects and risk of multiples also. I'm a little less worried about handling twins now that my daughter will be 4 1/2+ before a baby would be born, but the idea of triplets or more scares me. Another consideration for me is that I still want to be a good mom to my kiddo, which would be difficult if I were hospitalized for months with a high risk pg, or even just on bed rest for a while. I know that's not helpful, but I understand your concerns. Like Jill-good luck choosing what is right for you, because that may be different than what is right for others.
Queen Mother said…
Gonal-F made you emotional? Wow, you're just about the only person I know who had a worse reaction to injectables than to Clomid. You just like to be difference =)
Queen Mother said…
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Queen Mother said…
Trying this again, since I just totally messed up my other post...

Trish, if you only did Clomid, then I really wouldn't worry about multiples. Especially not high older multiples (triplets and above.) Clomid is not the drug that does that..that would be injectables. And even then, they are so much better at controlling the cycle than they used to be. With monitoring and lower doses and improved drugs, they have dramatically decreased higher order multiples.
Stephanie said…
I have a question about Clomid, especially for you since you seem really knowledgeable about it Queen Mother. I meet with my OB in a few weeks. I assume that she's going to start all the testing, since it's been over a year. However, in a previous appt. she mentioned that she would start me on Clomid at any time, all I had to do was give my consent. It raised some questions in my head. I realize there's not a lot of risk to Clomid. However, I wasn't aware that Clomid was a "fix-all" for everyone. I was under the understanding that it is more for people who don't ovulate regularly. I ovulate every month, on a fairly consistent schedule. For some reason I just don't get pregnant. What do you think? Is it worth trying, or do you think I should do testing first, to look for a more personalized solution?
Queen Mother said…
A lot of OBs really do just give it out like that, yes. Even if you ovulate, it can still help you - due to a variety of factors, you could be ovulating immature eggs, etc. Clomid helps your body to grow a stronger, healthier egg follicle. There are a lot of women who ovulate on their own already who get pregnant on Clomid for this very reason.

Personally, I would do testing first. Depending on what your problem is, Clomid may or may not help you. For instance, if you have endometriosis or your hubby has a low sperm count, Clomid isn't going to do a lick of good for you. So then, what's the point?? But if you discover that you have some minor egg quality problems, PCOS, or some other type of ovulatory dysfunction, then Clomid is worth a try.

I hope this help!! =) I hope I don't come across as a know it all or anything. I always tell people that believe me, I wish I didn't know about this stuff..because not knowing about it would mean that I was fertile. My knowlege about it is just proof positive that I have lousy fertility. =(
Stephanie said…
Queen Mother, you don't come across as a know it all whatsoever! You are a fabulous wealth of knowledge, and I for one appreciate that knowledge very much. It's sad and a little pathetic that we can't even trust OB's to have all the knowledge that specialists have, or that we gain by going through it.

For what it's worth, I wish you didn't know so much either, since it would mean you were more fertile! I think that's why I've been dragging my feet about starting the testing. I'm scared to find out "what's wrong with me" and to face reality!

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