My name is Emily. I live in Michigan and know Jen L. and Stephanie P. My husband and I have been married for almost 6 years. I have a little girl that will be 4 in July. It took us 6 months to get pregnant with her. We have always wanted a big family, so we started trying for our second before Abby was 1. So in May we will have been trying for 3 years to get pregnant. It is so weird to read some of your posts, because I feel like you are saying my feelings exactly.
I have really irregular periods. My husband got a sperm count and that came back with good results. I haven't been in to see a specialist, mostly because of money and the stress. I was wondering how easy it is to get Clomid. I have been told that might work for us. But I talked with a nurse of a specialist and she made it sound like it was quite a big thing to be on it. She said usually you have to have a TSG first, and get your blood drawn and have ultrasounds. Pricing that was definitely discouraging. My husband has 1 1/2 more years of a PhD program, so we would have to wait until then to be able to pay out of pocket.
I am trying to do the Basal Body Temperature, but it seems worthless when my periods are 2-3 months apart.
Anyway, I just wanted to say I really appreciate reading this blog. This is a great thing that Jen organized.
Yuck, I know what you mean about charting... even with somewhat regular periods it gets frustrating! If I can add my encouragement, I would say keep it up! It's the cheapest way to keep tabs on what is going on... and since you have irregular periods it would be nice to keep track of those sporatic times you do ovulate. If you haven't already, take a look at Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It has great charts to copy and teaches charting other fertility signs too... I think Stephanie may have it (?) if you want to take a look.
It was great to see you this weekend!
Clomid is cheap..a lot of insurances cover it, and even if they don't; it'll be about $50 out of pocket.
Nice to *meet* you!
Clomid --> which is what I opted for because it works faster. (Hind sight I should have choosen metformin) Is not as safe during pregnancies, so you need to do more pregnancy tests. Clomid has a higher risk rate of cysts. So if you don't have insurance take this into consideration. Clomid costs $9 at Walmart for month's worth w/o insurance.
I found the $50 office fee was well worth it. I let me doc know that I was uninsured and to keep things as cheap as possible. He was great and totally understanding.
Good Luck!!!
I have PCOS so drugs and diagnoses might be different for you.