Week 1 Goals: Toast to a new year

Alright, so here are this week's goals to becoming healthier in 2009.

Fitness/healthy eating- Drink 8 glasses of water a day. This week, make a conscious effort of drinking more water. If you already drink 8 glasses a day, great! It seems like every fertility site I go to, when reading about how to be more healthy, drinking water is always mentioned. Water has a lot of great benefits and is essential in being more healthy and losing weight. Give it a try and see how it goes. Try keeping a piece of paper by your faucet and making a tally mark each time you fill up. Or fill a water bottle and keep it along with you. I believe the recommended 'serving' is 8 ounces, so one water bottle can count as more than one glass for the day. Or set out 8 (if you have 8 to spare) cups and use a new one each time so you can keep track. However you do it, try to fit in the servings each day.

spiritual/mental/emotional- Pick a favorite hymn and make it a part of your week. Write the words out and put it on your mirror, humm it while working, read the scriptures that accompany it, memorize a verse. It can be a hymn of comfort or a pick-me-up. If it's a familiar hymn try to use a verse other than the first (my hymn for the week is verse 4 & 7 of How Firm a Foundation... we never sing verse 4, verse 7 more so and they are great!)

Look forward to hearing how everyone does by the end of the week.


Melisa said…
That is one of my favorite hymns too. :)
Annie said…
I have always struggled with drinking enough water, hopefully this will help me get on track. Thanks!

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