My pictures!
I sometimes wonder how you guys feel about me being on this blog since I'm not currently TTC. After my miscarriage, it took 6 months to get pregnant again, which in reality is a short time, but felt like an eternity. My second was conceived without us trying. And my third took over a year. At this point, we aren't trying for #4, even though we want more. We moved to Lansing, MI in July of 07 for a general surgery residency. We love it here and were very happy. But in October, Brad was offered a position in his specialty of choice, Ear Nose and Throat surgery in Philadelphia. He's been living in Philly since October, while I wait in MI for our house to sell in a wretched economy. It has been quite insane. But when I want to complain, I think of the amazing military families enduring so much more than I could imagine. At least I can call him when I want, chat on the computer, and see him once a month. So, I'm living alone with my kids (6, 5, 2). Pregnancy just isn't an option right now because it doesn't agree with me. I spend the entire 9 months puking and generally being miserable. I couldn't handle it along with being the sole-caretaker of 3 young children and trying to sell a house. I know my limits, and that would pretty much be it. The problem being that as miserable as my pregnancies are, we would love at least one more. But I fear that by the time it would be an option, I might take a long time to conceive again and there would be a huge gap until our last one. I wonder if I should just be happy with my 3, but I really want more. That's what is bouncing constantly around my head these days.....
And here are pictures of my family:
