I've been following this blog since it started but have not yet posted. My name is abby. I've been married for 5 1/2 years. Bronson is my husband and we have a little boy named Sam who will be 3 in february.
Here is my story. I miscarried before I got pregnant with sam. I was 12 weeks.. started bleeding.. went in.. no heartbeat. Got pregnant 2 months after with sam. Had a great pregnancy.. besides the first 17 weeks of throwing up. Had a great labor, but ending in a c-section.
Starting trying for number 2 a year ago. figured there was no way I would miscarry again.. and didn't even think twice about having a hard time getting pregnant in the first place.. since I had gotten prego pretty easy with my first miscarriage and Sam.
We tried for about 5 month and finally got pregnant. I know 5 months is not long.. but you know how long it seems when you are trying. Anyway went in for my first appointment at 12 weeks and there was no heartbeat. The fetus had died at about 9 1/2 weeks. I had to have a D&C.
We waited just one period before we started trying again. And have been trying again for the past 7 months..
I went into the doctor in october because I was feeling like I wanted to get things checked out.. and if there was a problem or something i wanted to get it taken care of sooner rather than waiting. Turns out I was low on my progesterone so he prescribed me prometrium. He told me to take that for 3 months and then to come back in if I hasn't gotten pregnant. So I did that and went back in. He gave me 3 choices. He told me we could do a small surgery type thing where they go in and check to see if I may have some scar tissue from my c-section that is causing problems, I could take clomid, or I could just keep taking the prometrium. He said it was totally my choice.. and since I am young (26) and its only been a year then there is no rush and he is not totally worried about it. I couldnt not decide on the clomid or no so he gave me the prescription and told me if I felt like I wanted to take it then great if not then dont..
so i went back and forth about taking it. I kept feeling like I was being completely impatient and trying to control something that I really had no control over. But then in the end felt like it was a good idea. I just took my last clomid pill yesterday and am doing ovulation tests.
I have debated on whether or not to post on here because there are so many of you who have been trying for alot longer than I have or have had other problems... You know when someone tells you they have been trying for 2 months and they are freaking out and you just want to punch them because that is nothing... I feel like I would be that person if I posted on here.. but going through this has made me rrealize that no matter how little or how long you have been trying... we are all trying and waiting for the same thing. And its hard when it isnt happening.
my spirits are finally up and I am feeling positive. I was struggling really bad during the months of october and november... But I have finally realized and come to terms with all of this. I was making myself miserable over something that I had no control over. Yes, it is heartbreaking and I would be lying if I didnt say I still am struggling.
I started praying to Heavenly Father to help me to deal with this better rather than asking to get pregnant. And my faith has grown so much! I am finally feeling happy. And I know Heavenly Father helping me.
The age difference thing has been super hard for me.. at this point my kids will be at least 4 years apart. But I realized that I have something that alot of my friends/family dont have. I get to have one on one time with sam for longer than alot of people do with their first baby's. And I am determined to make it great. I have great plans for Sam and I. I feel like I want to do all sorts of fun things that would be not possible or not as fun if I had another baby. I want to take full advantage of our time together. That is keeping me sane and getting me excited. I'm just hoping I can keep it up.
sorry this so sooo long. Thank you to whoever started this blog. I have felt great comfort in reading all of your stories.
Here is my story. I miscarried before I got pregnant with sam. I was 12 weeks.. started bleeding.. went in.. no heartbeat. Got pregnant 2 months after with sam. Had a great pregnancy.. besides the first 17 weeks of throwing up. Had a great labor, but ending in a c-section.
Starting trying for number 2 a year ago. figured there was no way I would miscarry again.. and didn't even think twice about having a hard time getting pregnant in the first place.. since I had gotten prego pretty easy with my first miscarriage and Sam.
We tried for about 5 month and finally got pregnant. I know 5 months is not long.. but you know how long it seems when you are trying. Anyway went in for my first appointment at 12 weeks and there was no heartbeat. The fetus had died at about 9 1/2 weeks. I had to have a D&C.
We waited just one period before we started trying again. And have been trying again for the past 7 months..
I went into the doctor in october because I was feeling like I wanted to get things checked out.. and if there was a problem or something i wanted to get it taken care of sooner rather than waiting. Turns out I was low on my progesterone so he prescribed me prometrium. He told me to take that for 3 months and then to come back in if I hasn't gotten pregnant. So I did that and went back in. He gave me 3 choices. He told me we could do a small surgery type thing where they go in and check to see if I may have some scar tissue from my c-section that is causing problems, I could take clomid, or I could just keep taking the prometrium. He said it was totally my choice.. and since I am young (26) and its only been a year then there is no rush and he is not totally worried about it. I couldnt not decide on the clomid or no so he gave me the prescription and told me if I felt like I wanted to take it then great if not then dont..
so i went back and forth about taking it. I kept feeling like I was being completely impatient and trying to control something that I really had no control over. But then in the end felt like it was a good idea. I just took my last clomid pill yesterday and am doing ovulation tests.
I have debated on whether or not to post on here because there are so many of you who have been trying for alot longer than I have or have had other problems... You know when someone tells you they have been trying for 2 months and they are freaking out and you just want to punch them because that is nothing... I feel like I would be that person if I posted on here.. but going through this has made me rrealize that no matter how little or how long you have been trying... we are all trying and waiting for the same thing. And its hard when it isnt happening.
my spirits are finally up and I am feeling positive. I was struggling really bad during the months of october and november... But I have finally realized and come to terms with all of this. I was making myself miserable over something that I had no control over. Yes, it is heartbreaking and I would be lying if I didnt say I still am struggling.
I started praying to Heavenly Father to help me to deal with this better rather than asking to get pregnant. And my faith has grown so much! I am finally feeling happy. And I know Heavenly Father helping me.
The age difference thing has been super hard for me.. at this point my kids will be at least 4 years apart. But I realized that I have something that alot of my friends/family dont have. I get to have one on one time with sam for longer than alot of people do with their first baby's. And I am determined to make it great. I have great plans for Sam and I. I feel like I want to do all sorts of fun things that would be not possible or not as fun if I had another baby. I want to take full advantage of our time together. That is keeping me sane and getting me excited. I'm just hoping I can keep it up.
sorry this so sooo long. Thank you to whoever started this blog. I have felt great comfort in reading all of your stories.

That is an awesome picture of you and your son.