Wednesday W's

So every wednesday I would like to post a question for everyone to answer.

This week's question:

What do you do to keep your sanity when another friend announces her pregnancy?


Annie said…
This has been happening to me A LOT lately! I think I have more friends/family members pregnant right now then ever before, which is exteremly hard. I just tell myself I need to be happy for them and try to have faith that my time will come again, hopefully very soon!
Mamapierce said…
I try to realize that what has happened to them is what I want for myself - so I should try to show them the happiness that I would be feeling, were it me that had the great news.
Melisa said…
This might not help, but I let myself fall to pieces in private so I can be happy and supportive in public. If I let myself feel my emotions instead of fighting them, I tend to get over them quicker.

Did that only make sense in my head?
Hope said…
I cried in private, and served the person like crazy! My entire group of friends got pregnant TWICE during the duration I was trying. All I could do was serve them. I let them know ahead of time that I had jealous and envious feelings and the only way our friendship will survive is if you find a need for me. So I baked cookies, babysat, cleaned.... my friends knew not to refuse my help and it worked out great. I was able to develop more Christ like feelins.
Stephanie said…
Hope, that's great advice. Wow. Though I know I'm setting myself up for future disappointment, I try to be hopeful and every time a friend gets pregnant I think to myself, "Maybe I'll get pregnant this month too, and we can be pregnant together!" Hasn't happened yet, but it would be fun if it did!
Jen L said…
Wow Hope! Thanks for the advice! That is wonderful! I'm like Melisa, I let myself feel what I need to feel... which usually involves some tears. But I am always truly happy for them! Though it seems like with each friend's announcement, it just opens the floodgates to all my pent up feelings.
Katie said…
I really DO feel happy for my friends and family, but I have my days where I need to cry it out, too. When those feelings creep up, I have to acknowledge them or they wind up coming out "sideways" as anger or frustration.
Queen Mother said…
I let myself feel my disappointment in my own body. I give the friend my heartfelt congratulations, but I do not deny (privately) my own grieving.

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