Wednesday W

What are you doing for Christmas? :)


Melisa said…
Brad flies in Christmas afternoon. I am not sure if we'll open gifts that night or the next day. Any ideas? My boys are the most patient of souls, but I want Brad to be there. He only gets to stay until Sunday. Wish it were longer, but I'll take what I can get!
Stephanie said…
Spending time at both parents, opening gifts at home
Jen L said…
Oh goodness Melisa! Not long at all!! I'd say open gifts the next day. There is something exciting about waking up to gifts! The kids don't have to know that Christmas is on the 25th and not the 26th :) We ran into a bit of a pickle with prices, so we are taking the train to MI. We leave Rochester 11pm Christmas Eve, and arrive 10am Christmas day! We are just pretending the 27th is Christmas eve, and the 28th Christmas day! We have to do all our shopping in MI, so we are going to hit the sales! Luckily MM is too young to know the difference :)
Katie said…
Jenny, what a great way to save on Christmas!

We're heading down to Williamsburg, VA to spend Christmas Eve & Day with Richard's youngest sister, then continuing on to Charlotte, NC, where another sister & her family live. It will be a LOT of time in the car. A LOT of time. Hope we're up for it!
Mamapierce said…
We are celebrating our first Christmas with our two new children. I wonder if they know what's really going on!

On the infertility front, I haven't had a period since the beginning of Oct. I've been trying not to think about the negative pg tests I've been taking, and have decided that I'll take a test on Christmas morning. If I'm pg - that'd be a great Christmas present. If I'm not - there should be enough going on that I'll be okay. I'll keep you posted! Best of luck to you all this baby-making month! :o)
Melisa said…
Good luck tomorrow, Jill!

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