Wednesday W

What herbal/natural remedies have you heard of/tried/are trying?


Queen Mother said…
Fertility Blend, Vitex, Lydia Pinkham.

Fertility Blend actually "worked" for me once...although I think it was more the injectable drugs that I took the month prior than it was the Fertility Blend.
Hope said…
Pre-Seed was raved about. I never got a chance to try it though. I purchased some though. I'd be willing to ship it to someone if they want. (You can google the name, I can't remember the website.) I think my doctor even suggested it too.
Jen L said…
Hey Hope! I'd be willing to try it! Let me know how much you want for it and shipping.
Hope said…
I'll email you!!
Stephanie said…
I haven't tried either of these yet, but two things that I am considering are acupuncture and a special diet. A friend of mine is a huge fan of acupuncture and has it several times of year to promote well being and health. She referred me to the woman she goes to, and supposedly she specializes in fertility problems. I guess the idea is it corrects imbalances and stuff. I'm a little freaked at the thought of needles poking me, but my friend assured me it's not bad at all.

As for the diet, I don't know anything about it yet. A gal at work did it, after ttc for years, and she got pregnant. It may have been a coincidence, but I'm willing to try it. I'm waiting to get the details from her. So...I'll report back when I know more about either one!
Hope said…
I looked into acupuncture,a lot, but they wanted $500 for 3 months here. Yikes! I hope it's more affordable in your area.
Michelle said…
i've had accupuncture treatments several times, and it doesn't hurt more than a mosquito, or at most a bee sting... the needles are MUCH thinner than medical needles and go in just the surface of your skin. (it baffles me that so many women don't even flinch at the decision to get an epidural during labor, yet accupuncture needles are scary...) accupuncture is GREAT.

cervical mucus has been, for me, the best ovulation indicator so that's one natural thing...

are there essential oils that help with fertility? i haven't used any but now that i'm thinking about it i'm sure they could help too.

another random fact-- don't let your husband carry his cell phone in his pocket. the radiation decreases sperm count. sorry, it's not a natural thing... so probably doesn't belong in this post...
Stephanie said…
Yikes, are you serious? About the cell phone thing that is. I'm going to find my husband right now....
Abby said…
I havent posted my story yet, but I just wanted to share this. My friend tried to get pregnant for a year and a half and randomly went and got a deep tissue massage.. the girl that was doing it told her to be careful because this may make her very fertile... well it did.. she got pregnant. So I told other friend about it who has been TTC for a year and a half. She scheduled her appointment the day she ovulated... it worked as well.. I keep putting it off thinking this is the month it will happen for me and im having no such luck. So I am for sure scheduling me a DEEP TISSUE massage when Im ovulating... sounds weird, I know... And maybe it was both just by chance that they got pregnant.. But at this point im willing to try it.. and its not too expensive either.
Jen L said…
Abby, that's great! Thanks for sharing! I'll have to schedule one as well. So just to be clear, do you have to schedule one around the day you are ovulating? I had a somewhat similar experience. I had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with my daughter and my period would not return! It took somewhere around 14 weeks (instead of the normal 6-ish). I had read about having massages, etc. and how it can affect your cycle, so one day I chopped 10 inches off my hair and had my husband give me a really long massage, and sure enough my cycle returned.

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