Making up Symptoms

Does anyone else do this? Each month, I swear that I'm not going to set myself up for disappointment. I swear I won't take a pregnancy test until my period is at least a day late. And I swear that I'll learn from the previous month and won't think I'm pregnant just because I have certain symptoms. And yet, every month I do. I feel a certain twinge of a symptom I had with my first pregnancy, and I go running for a pregnancy test, even though my period isn't due for another two days. And once again, I crash that much harder when no pink line shows up. AGAIN. I know that PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are very similar. So....When am I ever going to learn, and stop setting myself up for disappointment???


Mamapierce said…
You won't ever stop doing that unless you stop trying for another baby. It's very difficult. I know. And right now I haven't had a period in over 9 weeks - which is SO not normal for me. Each week I take another test: negative. I'm with you - I completely understand what you're going through. Hang in there. (((HUGS)))
Melisa said…
I do that too! I've been nauseous in the morning for weeks now and I keep thinking I'm pregnant, but the test is negative...
Jen L said…
I am also the same! I swear I keep the pregnancy test makers in business! ha. I haven't found a very good method of preventing myself from getting hopeful. Even this last time, I was certain I wasn't going to test until I saw a triphasic pattern on my charts... I didn't see one, but I was going to run to the store to buy tests anyway because I had "symptoms." Unfortunately (well it did save me $10) my period came the next morning so there was no need to test. I cried... just like every month. Glad I'm not the only one who seems to go insane once a month... thinking I have symptoms, buying tests, crying. Oh, what a cycle. I just have to keep trusting that the Lord knows what is best.
Queen Mother said…
We all do it. I don't think I will ever stop, frankly.
Hope said…
Just to let all the other Pregnancy Test Addicts know - dollar store! They saved me a TON of money, so I didn't feel so guilty with the frequent tests.

For me I kept on in the house at all times. It helped a lot with the desires to take a test every time I felt "sick" or was late. I also gave myself a time limit on how long it could be before I could buy another test.

The day mine came back positive, I ran to the store to purchase a more expensive one just to confirm that the dollar store ones do actually work. The dollar store test dectected really early as well.

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