My miracle.....

Keagan i s my little miracle . Literally. How did I get him? It wa s so ea sy. I got married, went on the pill, and got prego a couple month s later. ea sy. simple. wonderful. I thought I would pop them out like crazy! Ye s but I never knew what a miracle he really wa s til thi s pa st Monday. I had an appointment with the doctor to check if my cyst was still there and my blood clot. He looked and they were both gone so we are going to do clomid, shots, IUI, again this month! I was really excited! Then he got quiet and started marking things on the ultrasound and talking to the nurse in another "language". Then he said...I'm not sure how we missed this but you have pcos . I was so shocked because my original family doctor helped us with our fertility the first year. I had read about pcos and thought that I might have it because I have some of the symptoms and my sister has it. I asked my Dr. to see if this was my problem. He said because I was regular that I didn'...