
Showing posts from December, 2008

Merry Christmas

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas this year. I took a pregnancy test on Christmas morning and it was negative. It's amazing that after almost 7 years of ttc that I still become hopeful - only to have another negative pg test staring back at me. I haven't had a full period in 4 months, so something isn't right. Anyhow, I hope your Christmas brought you happier news in the subject of infertility. God bless us, every one.

Wednesday W

What are you doing for Christmas? :)

I'm putting in a big plug for this website, since our question this week was on natural remedies. I called about acupuncture yesterday, and you are right Hope. It is expensive. I think I might do the initial consultation though, because that's where she evaluates where your imbalances and problems are, and she then recommends certain dietary changes and herbal remedies for you specifically. She referred me to this website. The therapist I would be going to is one of the certified therapists that follows the fertile soul method. Unfortunately, there are only 30 or so in the country, so there probably aren't ones in all the areas you gals live. I would definitely check out this website though. I've only barely brushed the surface. But it's full of information about acupuncture, following a special diet, using herbs, exercise and breathing exercises, acupuncture, basically ALL natural remedies that you can do. You can definitely spend money if you want. They...

My story of hope and miracles

So I too debated for a long time if I should post my story. I felt that seeing how I'm currently pregnant I shouldn't, but I guess contribute to the blog so you might as well know my back round. My husband and I started trying for our second shortly after our daughter turned one. I wanted my kids to be two years apart. Well apparently Heavenly Father had alternate plans. Let me take you back a little farther. I was married in July of '04. My husband was finishing his under-grad at MSU and we were not ready for kids. I was in school and planning to transfer to a university. A couple short months later we found out we were pregnant - Lillian was conceived on BC. We weren't going to start trying until Kurt was in his last year of law school so I could work and support him through it. We were shocked and unprepared. It left me with a feeling of - I guess I have no problems getting pregnant. So we start trying for #2. Months went by, friends got pregnant, yet I di...

Pre-Seed Review

Here's a great Link that explains this wonderful product made especially for those TTC: I purchased mine through a wonderful site: In case anyone else is interested in researching this product. Like I commented on, I never got a chance to use it but it was raved about. Especially for those taking clomid, which as a side effect (with some women) makes you produce less natural moisture.

Wednesday W

What herbal/natural remedies have you heard of/tried/are trying?

Making up Symptoms

Does anyone else do this? Each month, I swear that I'm not going to set myself up for disappointment. I swear I won't take a pregnancy test until my period is at least a day late. And I swear that I'll learn from the previous month and won't think I'm pregnant just because I have certain symptoms. And yet, every month I do. I feel a certain twinge of a symptom I had with my first pregnancy, and I go running for a pregnancy test, even though my period isn't due for another two days. And once again, I crash that much harder when no pink line shows up. AGAIN. I know that PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms are very similar. So....When am I ever going to learn, and stop setting myself up for disappointment???

My story

I also debated for quite a while about doing an introduction post. Here I go…I found out at my pre-marital exam that I had some physical abnormalities that could cause problems with having children. When we started trying for our first I was scared to death every month that it didn’t happen that it wouldn’t. Thankfully it only ended up taking 3 months. I was also told that I would be high risk and should plan on delivering early. I had a very healthy pregnancy and ended up having my son at 39 ½ weeks. We felt so blessed that everything had worked out so well. When we decided to start trying for our second I wrongfully thought we would have the same luck. Three months after we started trying, in July, we found out I was pregnant! We were ecstatic! About a week later I started bleeding and miscarried. The doctor told us we were okay to continue to try. Two months later I found out I was pregnant again! We were so happy, but at the same time I was scared to death. I was constantly checkin...

Wednesday W's

So every wednesday I would like to post a question for everyone to answer. This week's question: What do you do to keep your sanity when another friend announces her pregnancy?

Book Review and some background

I'm sure many of you know about the book featured at right, but if not, let me give some info on this great book! Perhaps I should back up to some info that I didn't mention in my first intro. Starting in Jan I had some HORRID pain in my lower left side. It coincided with ovulation and was so bad that one attack happened while I was shopping and I had to have someone complete my grocery list and call my husband to tell him to come home to help me unload. This happened every other month until I couldn't take it any longer and I went in to the dr. I had an ultrasound and was told I had hydrosalpinx which = blocked tubes. Crazy thing about this diagnosis is I have never had an PID (Pelvic inflamatory disease) which comes about from an STI (Which I've never had the chance of getting) which is the cause for hydrosalpinx. But I was prepared for the worse and went to 3 doctors. The last doctor finally read the ultrasound report to me and told me I had nothing to worry about. H...
I actually debated quite a while about whether or not to even do a post to introduce myself. I do have one child, and haven't tried for years like some people, so sometimes it makes me feel selfish and ungrateful to complain about infertility. However, I decided that's what this blog is for, so that we can vent to other people who do understand, and who don't think it's selfish to want more kids, even if you have one already. We tried for about 6 mos. before we had our beautiful daughter, who is now two years old. Once we were finally pregnant, I was able to be grateful that it took us awhile, because I felt like it gave me more empathy for women who have difficulty conceiving. Also, I felt I would never take pregnancy for granted, or assume it would come easily. I also (falsely) assumed that I wouldn't stress out too much the next time. I would just know that it would happen eventually, and that it might take awhile. Wrong. I did okay the first few months, but when...